Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Greenboard A great woman is a queen A great man is a lobo Greatness is shunned in society due to the effect that a handicapped individual and an intellectual superior both displace the same resistance. The you go through it alone mentality. Not brought upon the individual brought upon by his peers. Late bloomers are shunned equally as outcasts. Everyone is very biased as per friend selection and melodramatics, exclusion is abundant. Nerds in gym, jocks in math, physical appearance seems to win out over intellectual capacity. The loners slowly tribe together after many years of self acceptance to create counter culture.

No. 9

No. 9 Everything else however I had to find out and discover search and question. Never a stone unturned. I was brought to a decision when given circumstances were far out of my control. I had to actively seek knowledge from every possible venture or just breeze throught it all in my own universe. This is a simple high road, low road metaphor, saying both lead to the same place. ( death.) however the outlook upon the greater whole when you go is up to you. That nevertheless the more you can give and recieve can only be a positive and with knowledge comes power. So amassing the greatest minds means you have to know the tricks. The easiest way is find traits you admire and learn from them. Ask what you don't understand. Emulate. Never a question not asked, completely commit to becoming and you will be. Analyze, mutate, grow, expand. Push your limits. Like a butterfly and a cocoon, you gotta make it to break it. It has to be protective comfortable and protected from predators and the elements. Fortify yourself with the knowledge of others. Every person does at least one thing exceptionally. The trick is finding yours and learning from everyone else's. Immerse yourself in their wealth of detail. Even idiot savants are geniuses in disguise. Fear not where life takes you, fear only for the day to be your last and tomorrow will never come. Love everything around you just for the pleasure of sharing space and time. Life is made good by making others lives better. We are homosapien because of the spread of knowledge from one fish to another. Evolution. The fact that our brains even recognize the speech patterns of others is a pretty astounding feat in nature. Communication allows for government and commerce and religion. Language is pretty impressive also. The keeper of the knowledge holds the key to life and love and destiny.-Drew Crystaloski