Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A great woman is a queen
A great man is a lobo
Greatness is shunned in society due to the effect that a handicapped individual and an intellectual superior both displace the same resistance. The you go through it alone mentality. Not brought upon the individual brought upon by his peers. Late bloomers are shunned equally as outcasts. Everyone is very biased as per friend selection and melodramatics, exclusion is abundant. Nerds in gym, jocks in math, physical appearance seems to win out over intellectual capacity. The loners slowly tribe together after many years of self acceptance to create counter culture.
No. 9
No. 9
Everything else however I had to find out and discover search and question. Never a stone unturned.
I was brought to a decision when given circumstances were far out of my control. I had to actively seek knowledge from every possible venture or just breeze throught it all in my own universe.
This is a simple high road, low road metaphor, saying both lead to the same place. ( death.) however the outlook upon the greater whole when you go is up to you. That nevertheless the more you can give and recieve can only be a positive and with knowledge comes power.
So amassing the greatest minds means you have to know the tricks. The easiest way is find traits you admire and learn from them. Ask what you don't understand. Emulate. Never a question not asked, completely commit to becoming and you will be. Analyze, mutate, grow, expand. Push your limits. Like a butterfly and a cocoon, you gotta make it to break it. It has to be protective comfortable and protected from predators and the elements. Fortify yourself with the knowledge of others. Every person does at least one thing exceptionally. The trick is finding yours and learning from everyone else's.
Immerse yourself in their wealth of detail. Even idiot savants are geniuses in disguise. Fear not where life takes you, fear only for the day to be your last and tomorrow will never come. Love everything around you just for the pleasure of sharing space and time. Life is made good by making others lives better. We are homosapien because of the spread of knowledge from one fish to another. Evolution. The fact that our brains even recognize the speech patterns of others is a pretty astounding feat in nature. Communication allows for government and commerce and religion. Language is pretty impressive also. The keeper of the knowledge holds the key to life and love and destiny.-Drew Crystaloski
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
This is a music player for my band Soundtrack Music. I have to promote our new album everywhere I can. You know, one thing I notice is it is harder and harder to get people to click "Play" anymore on Facebook. I think America is getting lazier. Back in the day a friend of mine named Matt Kiefer and I used to walk the streets handing out flyers and get eager people to pack and sell out local venue Mr. Smalls. These days you ask people on Facebook to click play, or to check out YOUR NEW BLOG and it seems as though they are too lazy. Today I asked people to comment on some blog posts all day and we got ONE, count-em, ONE person who was not too lazy to comment. One person actually told me "It told me I need a password for Google." REALLY?! It takes all buy 25 seconds to make a Gmail account! Maybe that is the reason America is the country of the fattest gluttony known to mankind. People sit on the web all day looking at youtube, Facebook posts, and are too lazy to click a play button to open their minds a bit and check out some new music, or too lazy to click a blog link and write a SIMPLE SENTANCE OR TWO in response to a blog related to current events. It's no wonder why people in this country no longer have their own opinions to voice. They watch their MTV, and listen to their rappers who voice uneducated and lazy opinions for them. When I spoke of a "New American Dream" this was the exact thing I was trying to save us from! It is time we make a change, stand up and use our voices, let them be heard, discover new things by actually LISTENING to the new music that your local artists promote and not what MTV feeds you, and more importantly, to have an opinion. This is NOT the New American Dream, and tonight, in this nation of dummies, I go to bed disgusted. Goodnight America, for tomorrow you will wake up and have your opinions voiced for you so you no longer have to speak. Instead you can sit back, eat another twinky, stay silent as the night, and the rest of us with souls will sit back and watch the life being slowly sucked out of our generation. A generation that should be at it's prime, full of vigor and more outspoken and wondrous than ANYBODY! I hope we are willing to change, open our minds to new possibilities, open our ears to new music even if it means taking ALL OF THAT TIME AND ENERGY TO CLICK A LINK YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH instead of being spoon fed your music that's manufactured for you, open our mouths to speak and be not afraid to speak the truth, for I truly fear my generation is headed towards becoming, if we already are not, a dead generation. For the first time in American History, the Dead Twenty Somethings. Tonight I go to bed a little bit disappointed feeling as though peers are uneducated, misled, spoon fed, and trained to sit back in a mesmerized trance like TRUE zombies.... Maybe this is where the George A. Romero movie starts if my peers do not soon WAKE UP!
Author: Edward R. Perkovic |
Just US:The Casey Anthony Trial and Respect for the Jury by Eddie Perkovic
Along with the rest of America I had watched the Casey Anthony trial from start to finish. I hadn't really followed what was going on before all the mass media coverage right before the trial and understand that it was well publicized since Caylee Marie Anthony went missing and Nancy Grace brought it to the nations attention. It wasn't until three years later when the trial had all but gone underway until the rest of the nation's attention was gripped, including myself, glued to the television set for almost two whole months of trial!
One thing I kept saying to myself during the whole trial was "This girl is going to walk and the nation will be in an uproar!". Nobody believed me. Everyone had the "know it all" response of "This girl is going to jail of the rest of her life!". There was no way in hell I thought that that would happen for a couple of different reasons. One, like it or not, Casey Anthony is an extremely beautiful specimen, that is a fact and the people who act as though they don't agree are just mad. Two, it was clear from the very beginning that the prosecution was not going to be able to meet their burden of proof, which at times seemed an almost insurmountable burden to meet. Also, they spent time in their case, and in their rebuttal case focusing on things that took the jury's attention away from where
it should have been. For example, they spent their entire rebuttal case trying to prove Casey's mother Cindy to be a liar because she claimed to be the one who made the infamous "Chloroform" searches on the computer. Also, an example of being off the ball during their case, lead prosecutor and Pittsburgh native Linda Drane Burdich STRESSED the fact that chloroform had been searched for 84 times when in fact it had only been searched for one time. You see, there was an error with the computer software that had been used on the anthony's home computer. The prosecution knew so and tried to keep it hush hush, but not until the defenses closing argument did we find out that the computer program used to probe the Anthony home computer was erroneous. "EIGHTY FOUR TIMES?" Burdich stressed to Cindy Anthony on the stand under cross examination. She said this about five or six times, all the while knowing that it had only been searched once and the 84 was a result of a myspace picture that read "win her over with chloroform". You see, myspace was visited 84 times, and chloroform was only searched for one time. Also, prosecutor Jeff Ashton's conduct was obvious from the get go that it was unpopular with the jury. He at times seemed to bully witnesses, and when lead defense attorney Jose Baez was on a roll every single time throughout the trial Ashton was constantly smirking, laughing and such until in closing argument's for the defense when Baez called him out and referred to him as "This Laughing Guy Right Here."
Was I surprised at all when the verdict came back? Not at all. America was purely outraged! The prosecution never one time throughout the entire trial actually answered the key questions Why Where and When! They never even addressed motive until their closing arguments and their case was VERY VERY WEAK! One week Chloroform was the murder weapon, and another week duct tape was the murder weapon, and while the Jury obviously was not buying the defenses drowning theory, they simply could not and would not convict a beautiful 25 year old woman of murder with no "smoking gun"
The thing that upsets me the most is the outrage the country took. One thing everyone should respect is that THIS IS OUR CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM WORKING THE WAY IT SHOULD WORK! We should NEVER CRUCIFY A JURY FOR DOING THEIR DUTY! A juror actually had to retire and move out of the state of Florida due to death threats. Is that justice? I BEG TO DIFFER! You can not hate a jury for doing their due diligence and following instructions of the law to a T. We all deserve a fair trial and Casey Anthony got one. If anyone should be mad at anyone, be mad at the prosecutors for not having a strong enough case to convince 12 people beyond and to the exclusion of EVERY reasonable doubt that this girl committed murder, how she committed murder, and if going for the death penalty, never addressing motive! The truth is, beauty also played a factor and putting a pretty young woman to death is what made it harder for the jury. Had they gone for a life in prison instead of the death penalty maybe it would have been easier for the jury to convict? Who knows. One thing is for certain, the jury did their job, and they did it well. If it were YOUR ASS on trial you would like to know that you had a shot at a fair trial. Especially when the media creates a firestorm of character assassination so widespread throughout the country that sequestering a jury almost has no effect ANYWAY!
I am proud of our justice system, and I am proud of the jury in the Casey Anthony trial. They did their jobs and followed the letter of the law to a T. They all said the prosecution had failed in meeting their burden and at the end of the day I believe if you should be mad at anyone, once again, be mad at the prosecution for not having a strong enough case. Respect the jury, for they are the reason that our justice system works. They did what they were called to do, and followed instructions and even though most admitted it made them sick to acquit her, they simply took their jobs seriously and did as they were called to do, and THAT is justice. I am very proud of our justice system, I am very proud of jury's across the nation. This is Justice at its finest.
Author: Edward R. Perkovic |
Friday, August 5, 2011
Just Live
Just Live by Rick Cercone
Give me one last shining manifestation.
Something to warm my blood, yet
chill my bones. Over time
I learned a lot about life.
It is not to be taken lightly, only
the opposite, being fully awake
through it all, the thick and the thin.
Aware, of the given surroundings,
over the sweet sound
that surrounds your body.
Your aura like a blanket;
thick with a spring like warmth
of love. Radiating slow,
then pulsating with unimaginable speed.
O great conqueror of death, show them
your depth, how it is done. That death
isn't an option
or an end,
but a way to live long after life's gift
and to worry, fret and tear
no more.
Give me one last shining manifestation.
Something to warm my blood, yet
chill my bones. Over time
I learned a lot about life.
It is not to be taken lightly, only
the opposite, being fully awake
through it all, the thick and the thin.
Aware, of the given surroundings,
over the sweet sound
that surrounds your body.
Your aura like a blanket;
thick with a spring like warmth
of love. Radiating slow,
then pulsating with unimaginable speed.
O great conqueror of death, show them
your depth, how it is done. That death
isn't an option
or an end,
but a way to live long after life's gift
and to worry, fret and tear
no more.
Living for Today
Living For Today by Rick Cercone
Summer is here
today, now for a limited
time only.
The birds music flow
through my open window.
They are singing to me,
telling me what lies in wake
for the day to come.
They don't know what tomorrow holds.
But that's ok. They don't care and
I don't care.
I smell the grass I will
lay in already, miles away.
I've given nature the thank you
she deserves. For the rising sun
and the singing birds.
For the comfort she provides,
a blanket of safety. A bed made of sunshine
and loving memories.
Summer is here
today, now for a limited
time only.
The birds music flow
through my open window.
They are singing to me,
telling me what lies in wake
for the day to come.
They don't know what tomorrow holds.
But that's ok. They don't care and
I don't care.
I smell the grass I will
lay in already, miles away.
I've given nature the thank you
she deserves. For the rising sun
and the singing birds.
For the comfort she provides,
a blanket of safety. A bed made of sunshine
and loving memories.
Getting to know me. by Rick Cercone
Hello everyone. This is my first blog so I thought I'd start it off by telling you some interesting things about me.
I'd like to thank Eddie Perkovic for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts, ideas and opinions with all of you.
If you have any questions for me feel free to ask.
Welcome to my blog! This is my first attempt in this endeavor of creating a blog for other people to find interesting and actually enjoy. We'll see how that turns out.
When Eddie P asked me to join his guild and blog for "Mistakes We Knew We Were Making" a rush of excitement filled me entirely, shortly followed by a slight rush of panic; what the hell am I going to write about? Who the hell cares what I write?
I decided to not care about either of those questions right now and just do what comes naturally to me, write. I write as often as I can. For the most part my writing is sporadic and unorganized to the full extent. I don't mind though, I just write to write. When I come up with something I really do like, I put it somewhere safe. Most of my writing includes but is not limited to poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays. Discussing environmental issues is something I'd like to do more of. I will tell you why shortly. I also think that starting off a blog with a brief autobiographical statement might help the readers understand who exactly the hell I am.
I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life. For a brief period of time I was based out of Johnstown, whilst in school there, but I still called Pittsburgh my home. Pittsburgh. "The City of Champions."
"The drinking town with a football and hockey problem." The Dump-site for millions of gallons of toxic wastewater per day (That's another blog, another time).
I work for Clean Water Action. It is a non profit organization dedicated to the protection of drinking water and waterways in Pennsylvania. I am very passionate about the work I am doing. Helping to work on the single handed greatest of issues, for what is without a doubt our most precious resource, water. People will fight for oil, but they will kill for water. Some tend to think water is an inexhaustible resource that is infinite. This is not true.
The demand for clean drinking water will grow and grow, and someday cause widespread panic, but I digress. I will talk more on this subject in the future, and hopefully you will listen.
I also paint, strictly abstract art, because it can be chaotic, and never duplicated, as well as "a bad piece" but still alright in someone's eyes.
I am starting massage therapy school at the end of September this year. I give the best massages, or so I've heard from countless people. To give massages and write for a living would be my ideal "life," and I am close to reaching that goal.
I meditate daily, and have been doing so for about two years now. If you have never tried meditation give it a try. It might just change your life. It changed mine. I also practice energy healing, and divination.
I watch movies everyday, of all genres, and all budgets. I love movies. Who doesn't love a cinematic adventure? Like I said before I write screenplays, and my love for movies obviously has a lot to do with that. Right now I am working on a horror movie, and my small goal is to have it produced and put on Netflix. I will aim for the stars after I've achieved that.
I have a niece and nephew (twins) who are the world to me. I love them with every fiber of my being and would die for them in a heartbeat. I watch them sometimes during the week. I will help my mom out with them. They are two handfuls, but they always put a smile on my face.
I am creative, funny, charming, romantic. spontaneous, intelligent, enigmatic, and there are many other words to describe me. You will come to find out all of them in time. I hope you enjoy this blog. If you don't then f*** off! Have a nice day!
I'd like to thank Eddie Perkovic for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts, ideas and opinions with all of you.
If you have any questions for me feel free to ask.
Welcome to my blog! This is my first attempt in this endeavor of creating a blog for other people to find interesting and actually enjoy. We'll see how that turns out.
When Eddie P asked me to join his guild and blog for "Mistakes We Knew We Were Making" a rush of excitement filled me entirely, shortly followed by a slight rush of panic; what the hell am I going to write about? Who the hell cares what I write?
I decided to not care about either of those questions right now and just do what comes naturally to me, write. I write as often as I can. For the most part my writing is sporadic and unorganized to the full extent. I don't mind though, I just write to write. When I come up with something I really do like, I put it somewhere safe. Most of my writing includes but is not limited to poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and screenplays. Discussing environmental issues is something I'd like to do more of. I will tell you why shortly. I also think that starting off a blog with a brief autobiographical statement might help the readers understand who exactly the hell I am.
I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life. For a brief period of time I was based out of Johnstown, whilst in school there, but I still called Pittsburgh my home. Pittsburgh. "The City of Champions."
"The drinking town with a football and hockey problem." The Dump-site for millions of gallons of toxic wastewater per day (That's another blog, another time).
I work for Clean Water Action. It is a non profit organization dedicated to the protection of drinking water and waterways in Pennsylvania. I am very passionate about the work I am doing. Helping to work on the single handed greatest of issues, for what is without a doubt our most precious resource, water. People will fight for oil, but they will kill for water. Some tend to think water is an inexhaustible resource that is infinite. This is not true.
The demand for clean drinking water will grow and grow, and someday cause widespread panic, but I digress. I will talk more on this subject in the future, and hopefully you will listen.
I also paint, strictly abstract art, because it can be chaotic, and never duplicated, as well as "a bad piece" but still alright in someone's eyes.
I am starting massage therapy school at the end of September this year. I give the best massages, or so I've heard from countless people. To give massages and write for a living would be my ideal "life," and I am close to reaching that goal.
I meditate daily, and have been doing so for about two years now. If you have never tried meditation give it a try. It might just change your life. It changed mine. I also practice energy healing, and divination.
I watch movies everyday, of all genres, and all budgets. I love movies. Who doesn't love a cinematic adventure? Like I said before I write screenplays, and my love for movies obviously has a lot to do with that. Right now I am working on a horror movie, and my small goal is to have it produced and put on Netflix. I will aim for the stars after I've achieved that.
I have a niece and nephew (twins) who are the world to me. I love them with every fiber of my being and would die for them in a heartbeat. I watch them sometimes during the week. I will help my mom out with them. They are two handfuls, but they always put a smile on my face.
I am creative, funny, charming, romantic. spontaneous, intelligent, enigmatic, and there are many other words to describe me. You will come to find out all of them in time. I hope you enjoy this blog. If you don't then f*** off! Have a nice day!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Its A Soundtrack to our lives that Edward Perkovic (Formerly of A Light At The End, and Versa) started in January 2011, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.It all started at pittsburghs famous Dreams In Stereo Sound (recording studio) With the release of it's first Self Titled EP in April of 2011, for which Perkovic played all instruments on all songs, the project had seen wide local praise in only 4 short months. In June of the same year Matt Austin guest appeared on the single "My Best Train". A local fall tour is possible with backup members to support the show in a live atmosphere upon release of the first full length album "New American Dream",To date they have released the first single off of their new record (New American Dream) titled "My Best Train", and are in the studio working on the songs "Coloring Book", "In No One We Trust" , "New American Dream ft Josh Polk on Keys" "Paint Sex ft DaGreat Biddy on Piano" and "Poet and the Bride" . The Release date for "New American Dream" is set for August 28th 2011.
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This album was highly inspired by bringing an old closeness with Matt Kiefer back to life. Kiefer when paired with Perkovic often live breate think and eat creativity. It is very inspiring for one in the room to sit and watch. Since they've rekindled their old friendship Perkovic has been recording like a mad man, and writing like never before, inspired by one of his best friend's genuine love for music, a love they both share. You can always feel it in the air when these two are together in a room and a lot of that came out in the recording stages of New American Dream. "Just being back around Kiefer again and our old crew...and then you slowly watch the members of the crew fade away for the predictable reasons and it ends up back to just Matt and myself, well that's what made this album possible. Its a bond we share. It's an unspoken...kind of...thing that exists where we both see beyond what the rest of the world see's and then we go in and translate that to do it on a guitar track, and on a vocal track, and bass or piano...for the whole album. When we combine its like starting a forest fire in the minds and hearts of both ourselves, and these hungry kids out here that are starving for some REALLY TRULY REAL AND GOOD MUSIC....FROM THE SOUL...well thats what happens when I get together with Matt Kiefer" is the last statement Edward Perkovic made when asked about why he is able to write such a personal record after rekindling an old lost friendship with longtime fellow musician Matthew Douglas Kiefer".
Drew Crystaloski, who's known Perkovic since daycare has just signed on to join Soundtrack Music. In September, Perkovic will drive to St. Louis to link back up with his long time friend to embark on the recording on Soundtrack Music's second album "POP" which will be entirely fronted by Crystaloski, meaning like Perkovics album "NEW AMERICAN DREAM" where he played every instrument on the album and sang every vocal on the album, writing all the songs himself, that "POP" will be an effort where Crystaloski does the same. "POP" will be Crystaloski's album entirely and once that is released, the two will combine forces and co-write their third album, the title of which has yet to be determined, but if you know Soundtrack Music, you know it will be nothing short of amazing. STAY POSTED! NEW DEVELOPMENTS EVERY WEEK!
Eddie Perkovic
Eddie Perkovic said "it has alot of personal meaning to me
keys open doors like... i could sing in a key that could open a door to stardom, or a door to a million eager ears waiting to listen... but today our key opened the door to our friendship as well. i want something deep for the title and right now lets preliminarily make it keys open doors ill explain it to you in depth as a concept i think ull be SUPER down with it. bc it means music keys, they open doors to the artists brain...on the other end they open doors to posabilities an artist can have....keys could symbolify relationships too"
Drew Crystaloski chimes in "u can call it cat shit i dont care as long as i can pour my heart out thats all that matters to me an outlet"
but Eddie has the answer with "u can thats another key opening a door you belting that out....opens the door to your heart see theres SO MANY behind keys open doors! see what i mean! we could sit down and make a list of how keys open doors.
what i want as far as concepts is i want us BOTH to be on top of concepts
because if me and you sat out one night with a bottle of jack and the stars
and each had a notepad and thought of all the ways keys could open doors."
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